Elon Musk, Brave Girls, and budgets! #ThoughtsFromTerry

Hey all!
Spring break 2017 has come and nearly gone, and it was just what the doctor ordered. I was really looking forward to just some down and unscheduled time for the week, and that worked out perfect. We spent fun time in Diboll, Tx with my mom, then a little time with my bro in the Dallas area, then back to OKC to have some well needed unscheduled time to get “that” stuff done. You know, those things that just never get accomplished while it's a normal week. I love checking items off the list like cleaning closets, insulting the attic, washing cars, reformatting this email dispatch, as well as financial & budget planning, Glory!
South African Immigrant who has changed everything!
Elon Musk came to the US with $100 bucks in his pocket and a mind full of ideas...and he has changed life as we know it. From Paypal, to SpaceX, to SolarCity to Tesla, Musk is a pure entrepreneurial genius. We can not all become Musk, nor am I recommending anyone try - but there is so much to learn from him. Take a few minutes and listen to this great podcast from Donald Miller to learn a little more about Musk. Here are 14 books that have inspired Musk.
Personal Budgets
I am continually fascinated by how many people I meet with that do not have a personal budget. I know, I know...I am strategic, a planner, very structured, etc, etc. But you know what - most of that is learned, and developed behaviors. I was a total spend freak, nearly faced personal bankruptcy, and totally slaughtered my credit rating in my early 20’s. Maybe it was due to my personal learnings at an early age, and a wise father who helped some - but didn’t offer the “get out of jail free card”. But let me say this - please, GET A BUDGET! No matter what your age, income, or financial status...get a budget. Have a financial plan, and develop a budget around your plan. Maybe it won’t surprise you, but the wealthy have budgets!
Dave Ramsey - Budget More, Worry Less
Millionaire by 27...budget!
You Need A Budget
I really enjoy reading Mr. Money Mustache
I use Personal Capital, Mint, Google Spreadsheets - I love this topic, if you have questions just hit reply and ask.
Raising brave daughters.
Last week I learned about Caroline Paul from listening to a Tim Ferriss podcast. As a father of daughters, I always love listening and learning from talented women. I really enjoyed this TedTalk from Caroline.
7 years missing sweet Taylor
The concept or idea of why bad things happen to good people is sometimes challenging to wrestle with. As an intellectual concept, Christian’s argue and debate it...but when it becomes personal or deeply personal everything changes. 7 years ago this week my brothers oldest daughter Taylor (13yrs old at the time) passed away from a tragic skiing accident. Taylor had a special place in my heart, as my first niece I LOVED baby sitting her and sharing special times when she was just a baby and toddler. Taylor I miss you! You see, as a Christ follower I do deeply miss Taylor, and wish my daughters would of had the opportunity to get to know her. But I know Taylor loved and followed Jesus, and that gives me great hope and realization that we will see her again in Heaven. I would never wish this kind of loss on anyone - but I do see how God has used Taylor to touch so many lives, and to transform many families. So why do bad things happen to good people? I don’t know. But I trust Jesus with everything - and I have the faith and hope to believe that if we allow Him to use us, and all our situations, He can and will use them to bring Glory to our heavenly father, and to make new and beautiful things.
Learn about Taylor and Taylors Gift Foundation.
Weekend reads
Maximize your weekends.
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Have a great week,