Wisdom, Car Funds and The Resurrection. #ThoughtsFromTerry

Hey, hey!
This week I had the awesome opportunity to be a part of Inside Elevation, a conference held by Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. Elevation is lead by Pastor Steven Furtick, and is truly an amazing church. Kyle Kutter and I represented Life.Church Open Network and meet some fantastic pastors and church leaders who have been blessed by the resources we freely give away. It’s always so inspiring to hear the stories! Just another reminder - “I GET to do this.”.
Being in Charlotte gave us the opportunity to take a quick day trip to Anderson, SC on Wednesday and spend a day with the Newspring Church leadership team. ((I am sure there with be a insurance claim - but thats another story.)) To say God is doing an amazing work through Newspring would be a radical understatement. Wow - I left so inspired and full of anticipation of what God is doing there.
Wise people take advice
This was my favorite Verse Image this week. Wise people take advice! Pretty simple, and straightforward. What I have learned over the years is our posture is important when it comes to taking advices. Do we lean in? Or, are we on our heals and defensive? I have also learned that advice needs to be sought out. At first glance, we may think this statement is passive. NO, it’s active - and we must seek advice. Finally, something I implemented years ago is a Personal Board of Directors. I have 7 people who speak regularly into my life, from different angles. Some are phone calls, others are in person, and a few are virtual via books, blogs and podcasts. Wise people take advice!
Few more nuggets on being wise.
Teenage Car Funds
Last week I talked about You Need a Budget. As it says above - Wise people take advice...my advice is you need a budget. :) You can read more about that here. Last week was Spring Break, and that gave me some extra time with Reese and Reia. We did some car fund planning/analysis, and budgeting to see if they were on track. Our plan with the girls is, we match their car fund savings up to $2,500. Every time they have money, they give it to me, I match it, and deposit it into a savings account. At 16, that gives them $5,000, and we think that is plenty for a solid first car. Reia is on track to have her $5,000 by December this year for her car - and Reese has a very simple plan in place that will give her $5,000 when she turns 16. Here is the plan Reese and I laid out, she just needs to focus on saving $20/mo the rest of the year.
Moleskine resurrection
I have countless journals and moleskins that have a few pages of notes and ideas scribbled and sketched in them. Often times I start strong with a new Moleskine, but then the newness and excitement wears off the journal then just gathers dust. I absolutely know that many of my best ideas and plans have come from the creativity of writing in a journal - but I just have not been able to convert that into a solid habit. Random fact, the original YouVersion website and iPhone Bible app took life from my journals and sketches on large post-it notes, and countless journal pages. I am working to rebuild and develop this habit, and thanks to my buddy Kaleb I am learning from Austin Kleon and Richard Branson.
Elevation Worship just released There Is A Cloud album. Wow, it is amazing. I HIGHLY encourage you to go to Google Play, Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music or wherever you listen to music and listen now. So seriously, click one of the links above and do it NOW! You can thank me later with a reply of your favorite song. Mine is Do It Again.
FYI - if your trying to add Emojis with your Mac laptop...just do Control+Command+Spacebar and boom = 👍🏼
Weekend reads
You Can Be Busy w/o Sacrificing your Priorities
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Have a great week,