Different Doesn't Have to be Bad! Revisionist History, $terrystorch #ThoughtsFromTerry

Hey, hey!
This week I discovered an issue with my transfer from TinyLetter to MailChimp. I recently received a message from a friend telling me he missed my weekly emails and wondered why I stopped sending them. What?! I have been working hard to stay consistent, etc, etc...and then it hit me. When I made the system switch, I made a mistake apparently! Something as easy as export-import proved not to be as simple as I once hoped. So, if you are in the grouping, or got an unsolicited email from me about this - I am sorry! Many of you have no idea what I am talking about...and that's PERFECT! Anyway, welcome to #ThoughtsFromTerry, I am glad you are now getting the dispatch. If you didn’t know, you can go back and read or review any of my previous emails.
Quickly, before I move on...Facebook announced they have 2 BILLION users! Amazing. That's 2/3's of the world's population with Internet access.
Different Doesn't Have to be Bad!
My daughters are about as different as they come. Not much of a surprise since Robin and I are near opposites. On the Myers-Briggs scale, Robin is an ISFP, and I am an ENTJ. Reese, my 12yr old, is an extroverted feeler, very organized and detail oriented (ESFJ). She wears her emotions on her sleeves, and we NEVER have to guess what she is feeling. Reia, on the other hand, is an introverted feeler and much more reserved (INFP). Three ladies at home and they are all very, very different. Parenting and leading at home can be challenging with these unique and different personalities.
Differences. I have found myself talking about them a lot lately, especially when focused on our mindsets and personalities. In Life Group this week we talked about our marriages, and differences came up. I was able to share our journey and discuss the progression from tolerating our differences to accepting our differences, to finally fully appreciating our differences. Not an easy journey, but it’s our story of two very independent personalities coming together. Robin and I first looked at our differences as something needing to be fixed, or the other person was wrong or even broken. Yea, it’s the truth...that’s our story, and my guess is if you are married you have experienced something similar.
On the work front, the same discussions are happening. A few weeks back I spoke with some of our new leaders on staff, and I highlighted the most critical and important factor for when thinking about self-awareness. We need to understand it can look something like this: tolerate > accept > appreciate. As we become more self-aware of ourselves and our team, we need to progress through the cycle. Our teammates and staff who are different (more often than not) can fall into the “tolerate” bucket at first. We must push through seeing the differences as wrong or negative, and then recognize the strength that comes in being different.
Reia and I just finished reading Sean Covey’s book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.” Sidebar; fathers, I highly encourage you to engage with your kids and lead them intentionally. As my pastor Craig Groeschel says best, ”Everyone ends up somewhere, but few end up somewhere on purpose.” Don’t fall into the trap of leading well at the office, and rest on your laurels at home. Ok, back to the point: Habit #6 - Synergize. Covey spends a lot of his time focused on "celebrating differences." His progression or cycle is: shun > tolerate > celebrate. Sounds similar, but I love that he ends with celebrating. Covey highlights the importance of having the openness and willingness to see differences in others and being able to celebrate them. As I process this personally, I see tremendous growth and improvement with Robin and our family when it comes to celebrating differences. But as I look at a broader set of realities, I see significant challenges in our society - how divided our political system has become, how divided our churches can be, how divided cultures and neighborhoods have become, and even how divided our workplaces have become. In a broad perspective, differences are not celebrated; it seems the differences are more scoffed at or shunned.
I recognize this is using a rather broad brush, but I believe we can all see it. No matter where in the world you are reading this email, celebrating differences isn't the headline story or the trending news article. So what do we do with this? Where do we even begin? Well, for me, I always try and take the same approach. I can not change anyone else, so why not focus on myself? For me, I will continue to work hard to not judge quickly or be quick to write off those who approach life differently than I do. No matter race, religious creed, age, sexual orientation, or personality type, there can be a genuine appreciation for views, opinions, and life. It’s possible to move beyond snap judgment based on differences, to finding great appreciation for each other as humans and judged by our character.
Let’s all remember more often than not - it's not better or worse; it's just different. Take a deep breath, then recognize it's beautiful when we can celebrate differences. Different doesn’t have to be bad.
Podcasts & Books
Malcolm Gladwell - Revisionist History Podcast
Robin turned me onto the Malcolm Gladwell Revisionist History podcast, and it’s outstanding. I have been a huge Gladwell fan since his early days as a writer for the New Yorker. Here is the official description:
Revisionist History is Malcolm Gladwell's journey through the overlooked and the misunderstood. Every episode re-examines something from the past—an event, a person, an idea, even a song—and asks whether we got it right the first time. From Panoply Media. Because sometimes the past deserves a second chance.
My favorite episode has been Season 1, Episode 8, The Blame Game.
Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg
Duhigg is the author of The Power of Habit, another outstanding book I recommend. Smarter Faster Better highlights eight key productivity concepts that help people and companies get stuff done. Maybe that is why I like the book so much - it's about getting stuff done and I love that! Duhigg is a great writer, and he gives a lot of practical concepts and tools in this book. Needless to say, it is a winner! I would recommend reading The Power of Habit before diving into this book, if you have the time. Not a requirement, but I think you will get more out of it that way.
Products & Services
Square Cash
If you are not using Square Cash, I think you might be in the dark ages. :) Square Cash is the absolute best way to send and receive cash. We use this in the Storch household a ton, especially with Reia. We got Reia a cash/debit card from Capital One. I will share more about that in future emails, but Square Cash makes it super easy to move money from debit card to debit card, i.e. bank account to bank account.
Unfortunately, Square Cash is only available in the United States at this time.
Here is the Cash Invite (Free money): Have you seen the Cash app? Try it using my code and we’ll each get $5 when you send $5. KHLVNTD cash.me/app/KHLVNTD
Overdrive - (from Michael Lettner)
Overdrive is an app for reading or listening to books from your library. If you are a member of a community library, you probably have access to tens of thousands of audiobooks and Kindle books for free. You might have to wait in line to "check it out" and you will only have two weeks to listen or read, but it is free. Both my wife and I use it more than reading a paperback book. I'm currently listening to Grit by Angela Duckworth. Check out to see if your library is available on Overdrive at overdrive.com.
Reminder: click reply and submit your product or service you love and recommend.
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