G'day Mate! #ThoughtsFromTerry

Howdy from down under!
Today's email will be a bit different, just because of my travels and schedule this week. If you did not know, last Friday Brian, Bobby and I flew out of OKC and headed to Sydney, Australia for the Hillsong Conference, some meetings with the Australian Bible Society and United Bible Societies. It's been a great week, to say the least, especially since this has been my first time in Australia. We fly back to the states tomorrow (Saturday), and I am so ready to see Robin and the girls.
Next week I will unpack the full Hillsong experience. Until then let me thank Pastor Brian and Bobbie for creating a climate and atmosphere of excellence, and pastor Joel A'Bell for our great friendship and partnership. Honored to serve the "C" church together mate!
Jentzen Franklin spoke about the power of expectation. Luke 3:15-16…we should live with great expectations, on our “tip toes.” John 3:2-3
Brian Houston spoke on Kings and Queens from Proverbs 11. A brilliant illustration stuck with me - "short arms are no excuse to bot have a long reach." God's not schizophrenic! He doesn't create you one way, and then use you in another.
God's Word is already prepared and ready for the road we have not yet traveled. - Beth Moore
Who or what is going to define your worth? If it's anything other than Jesus you will be a hamster on the treadmill of life. - Craig Groeschel
Chris Hodges: See people as they could be, not as they are. Heb 11 Say what we see. Rom 4:17 Start a process today to develop people.
God is NOT impressed with us. - Joel Houston
Lauren Daigle has a beautiful and blessed voice. I was over and over just blown away with her worship session. Wow!
I had to write and schedule this email before I saw the closing night with John Grey. But, I am 100% confident he will hit a grand slam. In faith, well done John!
So much more, but I will end with this. Hillsong United is absolutely amazing! Their new album Wonder came to life in the live venue.
Let This Sink In
I read this today from Seth Godin and had to share it. Powerful!
The data, the dashboard, the comments, the statuses, the likes, the rankings:
Check them half as often and do twice as much with what you learn.
Then, after you've gotten good at that, repeat the math:
Check them half as often and do twice as much with what you learn.
Seth's blog post
How long does it take to fill a Moleskin?
Great question! Well, this year I have been consistently using my Moleskine daily as a journal, and note taking tool, and it took me until July 1st. Wondering how this maps forward - some days I use multiple pages, others not so much. So far I still love the actual writing but miss the convenience and simplicity of everything on my phone. Especially with conferences...I don’t love having another “thing” to carry. But, it’s worth it.
In Flight Entertainment
Robin is not really a movie girl...so we don’t really go to many movies. So, these long flights often become my way to catch up on any good movies I want to see. On the flight over I got to see two.
The Founder (The McDonald's story) - wiki
Becoming Warren Buffett (HBO Documentary) - YouTube
I really enjoyed both films. Entertainment as well as lots of learning lessons in both.
Recommended Weekend reads
You will NEVER grow being comfortable
To Be a Disrupter, You Don’t Have to be an Asshole
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Have a question or something I should be covering? Just click reply to this email or hit me up on any of the social networks below.
Have a great week,