#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.33.2017
Dispatch w.33.2017
It’s Friday!
I wanted to give a big thank you and shout out to my friend Andy Knight for giving my website a massive overhaul. I have needed to do it for a long time, and here it is.
These emails form and develop differently just about every week. Sometimes I think I could write every day - and share something new. Other times I feel like I have to work hard to get something to come out. This week I have been wrestling with “this” topic for many different reasons. I finally just set down and it flowed out. No edits, no proofing - here ya go!
Abundant. Full. Do those words describe your everyday life? Stop and really think about it for a moment and wrestle with the question.
Is your everyday life full, better than you ever dreamed of...abounding with joy?
Why not?
That’s exactly what Jesus desires for us. It’s why He died a bloody death, taking our sin, our shame, our depression, and washing us clean on the cross at Calvary.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10
Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full. This is not our possessions, stuff, wealth or things of this world. Having life to the full...true abundance is in Christ alone. His Spirit living in us, transforming us into His image so that He may be glorified, and that we, out of overflow can bless and share His love with others producing great joy.
What is holding you back? The abundant life is freely available today!
As a father of two daughters, I am always trying to grow and learn how to just simply be better. My girls are amazing, but they need to be parented and led well. I have never parented or led teenage girls before - so I am taking advice from all angles.
I listened to this Ted talk while rowing at the gym and knew I needed my girls to watch it. Tuesday night Reia and I watched the video together and discussed it for a while. Wow, when she processes out loud and shares her wisdom and learnings it nearly brings me to tears. I am so proud of who she has become and how brave she is. In those conversations, I always ask her how I can be a better father, what blind spots do I have, and I make sure she knows I am open to learning and improving. Such a beautiful season of parenting.
If you have daughters, I highly recommend you check out this Ted talk!

This is a MUST READ for you this weekend. A First Round Review article with Kim Scott, co-founder of Candor, Inc. Some outstanding insight and tips on leading well, and offering solid feedback or “Guidance”.
It sounds so simple to say that bosses need to tell employees when they're screwing up. But it very rarely happens.
I would argue that criticizing your employees when they screw up is not just your job, it's actually your moral obligation.
Read now, you will thank me!