#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.50.2017
Dispatch w.50.2017
Three days until Christmas, and ten days until 2018. Time keeps on ticking...and on that topic, this last Saturday highlights that best for me. My oldest daughter Reia was born on Christmas Eve in 2001, which completely feels like yesterday. The excitement of our first child, not knowing if it will it be a boy or girl. Will it be Brendon Todd Storch or Reia Faith Storch? We did not know. Well, Reia it was and just last Saturday that same Reia who was born just yesterday bought her first car.
For nearly three years Reia has been saving her money for her first car. Robin and I match her savings up to $5,000 total dollars. We landed on $5k because we felt like that was enough money to buy a safe and reliable first car. So, technically speaking, the girls can spend whatever they want on a car, but we will only match up to 5k. Reia has been babysitting for years, as well as working at the gymnastics gym as a coach. I am so proud of her work ethic and commitment to savings, as well as her consistent tithing along the way.
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
As parents, we work hard at living out Proverbs 22:6. We are not perfect, or honestly anywhere close, but it’s our goal. Reia and I have been talking about finances and investing for many years. I am excited when she turns 16 in just a few days we will have a new focus for her now that the car goal is done. We will open an investment account for her, and we will fund it with 500 dollars with one stipulation...80/10/10. We fund your account with 500 dollars for free if you commit to living the 80/10/10 principle. Tithe 10%, Invest 10% and live on 80%. She accepted!
Update: After I wrote this...Reia's car got backed into while parked on the street (pic). :( Major bummer. Long story short, the guy who did it fessed up and looks like his insurance is going to handle everything. But man, a bummer for Reia to deal with in just a few days of car ownership. Oh yea, and we replaced a battery as well. Yea, welcome to life!
This will be the 10th anniversary of the ‘Word of the Year’ for me. As you can see below, I started in 2009, inspired by Chris Brogan who said: “look for three words that will help you frame your challenges and opportunities.”
The power in this type of focus has been very impactful for me. In 2012, I moved from 3 words to only one word, inspired by my pastor, Craig Groeschel. I highly recommend you take the remainder of the year, and pray and process through the idea of having a focus word. Craig has a great resource now that can be a excellent guide for you. I am praying through three words I am thinking about for 2018...excited to gain clarity these next few weeks!
2018 - ?
2017 - Invest
2016 - Purpose
2015 - Intimacy
2014 - Righteousness
2013 - Slow
2012 - Stewardship
2011 - Faith, Focus, Intensity
2010 - Healthy, Flexible, Inspire
2009 - Fun, Global, Leadership
As I process this year ending, and where my focus will be in 2018, I am being heavily influenced by these two thoughts.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
- Theodore Roosevelt - April 23, 1910
God is much more concerned about how you live your life than what you achieve. Our individual callings are good and important – but our primary vision for life should always be to draw nearer to Jesus.
- Nicki Gumbel
Better Instincts
Go with your gut!? Well, maybe not so fast. Seth Godin has some outstanding tips on how to train your gut to improve your instincts.
Strategy for building a New Habit
I love James Clears’ writing. This post is super practical with tips on how to have habits stick. A perfect time of year to get your strategy around habits in check.
Netflix FIRST blockbuster movie
Today Netflix's "Bright," starring Will Smith released on the streaming site to fit the "Hollywood blockbuster archetype," CNET's Roger Cheng says. Will be interesting to see if this becomes a more common strategy moving forward. (Trailer)
Decrypting Crypto, From Bitcoin and Blockchain to ICOs (video)
An excellent video from Andreessen Horowitz general partner Alex Rampell, who unpacks some great thoughts from his talk at the a16z Summit back in November.
Third of millennials will be invested in the cryptocurrency in 2018
A really interesting article and read from the British site the Independent, highlighting the interest of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies with Millennials.
“Millennials began their income generating years during the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis, and many don't completely trust traditional financial services firms or the system in which they operate,”
The Force Behind Bitcoin’s Meteoric Rise: Millions of Asian Investors
A great reminder to those of us in the US...Bitcoin is not a US, or even Western-focused currency or asset. Bitcoin is global and has a major reach into China, Japan, and South Korea...and expanding.
Banking On Bitcoin
From last week - but a good reminder during the Christmas break. Banking On Bitcoin is a Netflix documentary worth watching. It’s a 1hr 23min film featuring the history, in-depth interviews, and some really good high level information if you are trying to learn about this new craze.
Perhaps the reason so few of us have received a double portion of God’s Spirit is that the lives we have chosen require so little of God because they require so little of us.
- Erwin McManus
Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend and Merry Christmas!