#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.52.2017
Dispatch w.52.2017
Dispatch 52 of 52, the finale for 2017! This has been a great year for the Storch Family, but not an easy one by any stretch. I pray your year was great and full of blessings. I looked through my camera roll and pulled out some highlights. This process was much harder than I would have thought...here are my top 12ish moments and experiences of 2017.

Celebrating 10 years at Life.Church.
Moving to Oklahoma, and becoming a part of Life.Church in 2007 was by far one of the best decisions Robin and I have ever made. So thankful to celebrate 10 years, and looking forward to 10 and even 20 more!

Visiting Dubai & Hillsong Conference in Sydney. Experiences over things is a theme for our family. In 2017 my trips to Dubai and Sydney were very important experiences for me, and God has used them in a great way. #grateful

Watching Reese develop friends!
Reese has done an amazing job developing her "tribe" and continually invests in relationships. I have loved watching and seeing Reese develop as a friend and grow to become a better friend.

Robin and I celebrated our 19th anniversary this year. 2017 was a great year for our marriage - but it did not come without its challenges. This year took a lot of hard work and effort because our schedules were more full this year than any year I can recall. We fight to keep our priorities in line and that happened this year, but simply put it was a FULL year due to many blessings. This year contained highlights of our regular date nights, as well as working out Friday and Sundays together when I was not traveling. #stronger

On March 29th I turned in my favorite car, the 2012 VW Sportwagen Diesel. After a long process, VW bought back my car for a price I could not refuse...but I still miss the car.

My word of the year for 2017 was Invest. When this word was revealed to me, what came with it was the reminder that investing in others needed to start at home. A huge highlight of 2017 was dedicated time with Reese and Reia, investing in them as young leaders and women of God.

Digerati Leadership Team
I have absolutely been blessed with the best leaders in the world. As you see in the picture; Kyle, Brian, Alan, Tyler, and Matt are amazing men of God who lead and serve at the highest capacity. 2017 is filled with great memories and experiences together as a team.

Of the 20+ books I read in 2017, my stand out favorite was The War of Art. It's a must-read for sure. Also, the most impactful revelation in 2017 for me was my lack of gratitude. Since May 7th, every day I have written at the bottom of my journal what I was grateful for. My perspective has been forever changed.

Museum of the Bible
After years of planning and preparation, the Museum of the Bible opened in Washington DC. YouVersion had an amazing opportunity to be a part of the Museum and our team worked really hard to make it a reality. A highlight in 2017 was traveling to Washington DC with Robin and some of our team members to celebrate the grand opening!

Extended Family Time
This year provided a few more opportunities to engage with our extended family, and it was awesome. More trips to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, as well as East Texas, lead to some fun and memorable times with our family.

This year I became a cheerleading dad. Years and years of competitive gymnastics transformed into Friday Night Lights with my girls cheerleading. I love watching Reese and Reia invest themselves in new challenges and excelling very quickly. These girls truly possess grit and determination and can conquer anything they put their mind and effort towards.

Sweet 16
Reia turned 16 this year and bought her first car with cash money! I don't have the words to express how proud I am not only of her and her accomplishments but more importantly her growth and development. Reia is a young lady who follows Jesus in a wonderful way.
2018 WORD
Verses I am praying about for my 2018 Word.
A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,
- Proverbs 1:5
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, - James 1:19
“Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.” - Proverbs 25:12
Infinite Learners
I have shared multiple times this year my deep appreciation for Masters of Scale podcast. Reid Hoffman is brilliant and offers so much wisdom in his podcasts. These two episodes are so near and dear to me just because of my continual preaching of being a lifelong learner. There is so much gold in these interviews with Barry Diller.
Part 1- Infinite Learners (iTunes) (Web)
Part 2- Learn to Unlearn (iTunes) (Web
If You’re Too Busy For These 5 Things: Your Life Is More Off-Course Than You Think
As the author says perfectly, “Small things — if not corrected — become big things, always.”
As we look at 2018, this is a perfect read with 5 critical things to keep in focus.
Make Journaling One Of The Best Things You Do In 2018
Journaling was a huge addition to my life in 2017. It added so much value as I have talked about in many different dispatches. This article by Ryan Holiday captures so many great thoughts around Journaling and will help push you over the edge! Let me say it again...Just do it!
Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists
I stopped using to-do lists a while ago...I really could not make them work effectively in my rhythm. As you know, I highly recommend the Productivity Planner, it’s not a to-do list per se, it much more about planning and reflecting. My personal to-do is driven by my calendar, period. The author closes with this powerful statement: “Millionaires don’t use to do lists. If something truly matters to you, put it on your calendar. You’ll be amazed at how much the likelihood of getting it done increases.”
Be Prepared To Lose Your Job In The Future… If You Don’t Learn This One Skill Now
A brilliant read to set your 2018 on the right course. Thoughts and wisdom from Buffett, Dalio, Marks, Taleb, and Bezos...get your mindset right, and ask the right questions.
For those who are new to the Bitcoin craze, these past few weeks have been a roller coaster. Anyone who may have bought Bitcoin around 15k, 16k, 17k or above could be in a bit of a panic...but more seasoned veterans have a calming voice to this recent roller coaster ride. The history books tell us the biggest plunge for bitcoin's price was in 2010 when its price dropped from 17 cents to a cent. In comparison, more than 30 percent price drop from an all-time high of around $20,000 in the past week is nothing.
Looking at the year at a glance snapshot offers some really good perspective. 2018 will be a fun & interesting year for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.

Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 27, 2017 (BTC)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Jan 1, 2017 | Dec 27th, 2017
Price: $963.66 | $16,273.40 = 1589% ⬆️
Market Cap: $15,491,187,813 | $272,823,339,445 USD
Possibly my favorite quote of the year from pastor Craig. This came from his series God with Us, specifically the message In the Storm.
Never let the presence of a storm cause you to doubt the presence of God. - Craig Groeschel
Goodbye 2017. Welcome, 2018!