#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.1.2018
Dispatch w.1.2018
Happy New Year! First, let me say thank you to all of you who sent encouraging emails last week. I appreciate hearing from so many of you - it’s a bit overwhelming, in a good way. And secondly, welcome to all the new subscribers. I hope you find this weekly dispatch helpful and valuable. If you do, let me know by hitting reply, and let others know by merely forwarding it or using the links below and encourage them to subscribe.
Welcome to 2018! As we kick this off, I want to share what I was reminded of this week - “What you measure is what you get.” Yes, it sounds too simple, but it’s a fact of the human condition. You can read more about it here and here. If you want to pass on those readings, let me kick off the dispatch with this thought - by what are you measuring yourself? What, in your mind, speaks to your value as a human? Or, what do you define as success? You see the connection don’t you...what you measure as value is what you will pursue, and you will get it.
I am not one that does much with New Year’s resolutions, but I do think the first of the year offers an excellent and natural reset.
Take some time and evaluate what you are measuring.
How does what your measuring line up with your values?
Maybe it’s time to change our mindset, and shift success in our mind from the things of this world to the things that matter. Let’s make 2018 the best year yet.
2018 WORD
As I wrote here, this is my ten year anniversary of choosing a word for the year. I have grown to love and appreciate this process, and the focus it brings throughout the year. Late in 2017, I received some valuable feedback from the leadership team I serve with at Life.Church that got me thinking about this word. As the year went on, and as I became more self-aware, God started speaking to me in this area of my life. As I went through this process and began praying about my word, the clarity came quickly.
Supporting Verses that have three different focal points for me:
Listen to God
Mark 4:24 - “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given — and you will receive even more.
Situational Listening
James 1:19 - 'My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
Intentional Listening
Proverbs 1:5 - 'A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,'
I am excited about my word and the focus this will bring in 2018. How about you? What is your word for the year?
A short but insightful look at our habits or behaviors that have us “hooked” on something. We all need to understand we are trading something every day...a must read from Seth Godin.
Seth Godin
The Easy Way to Save Money
Eric Barker is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. Super practical concepts, high-quality writing, and terrific ideas. I am a sucker for anything practical around saving money and having a good financial mindset. A great read to kick off your year, and getting your finances in order.
I have not watched this yet, but the documentary about Google DeepMind's 'AlphaGo' algorithm is now available on Netflix. I hope to catch it soon. If you have seen it, let me know your thoughts.
Watch On Netflix

AlphaGo Official Trailer
Neither Bitcoin, nor Blockchain, was established as the 2017 Word of the Year...but there is no doubt they could have been. They started the year as a digerati term, and Bitcoin became a common Thanksgiving day discussion. This was fascinating to watch and will be interesting to see what 2018 has in store for the Crypto space.
Bitcoin's Historic 2017 Price Run Revisited
Coindesk did a great job revisiting 2017, and the historical rise in Bitcoin.
Ripple, Ripple, Ripple (XRP)
If you pay attention to Crypto, then you are acutely aware of Ripple. I have many friends text me regularly asking about Ripple, and my thoughts. Full disclosure, I have been invested in Ripple for a few months and I was fortunate to buy in around 22 cents. I like Ripple, but it’s important to know what Ripple is...and what Ripple isn’t. Do your research: Ripple.com
Bloomberg Interview with Ripple CEO
Japanese and Korean banks to test RippleNet for cross-border funds transfers
Price Analysis
The Ripple Currency Problem