#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.9.2018
Dispatch w.9.2018
So much has been said and written about Rev. Billy Graham, I am not sure I have much more to add to the discussion or conversation. I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge his amazing legacy and the great Kingdom work he did. This legacy did not come easy, and I am sure it did not come without a price. I cannot fathom the pressure, weight and challenges that came with the “success” for him, or anyone else in his family. This weight is often never talked about or discussed, but it is real. I am so thankful for the legacy he left - a legacy this side of heaven we will never fully know. May God continue to bless and guide the family for generations to come.
20 years ago, Graham in his 80th year of life spoke to the Ted Conference audience. A classic and powerful message still relevant to us all today.

Billy Graham: Technology, faith and human shortcomings

This past week I was able to travel with a few team members to London for the first ever Church of England Digital Labs event (highlight video). Over the years we have developed a relationship and partnership with the Church of England through YouVersion, and are continuing to work with them to provide excellent content for YouVersion. When this opportunity came up in our last visit, it seemed like a wonderful opportunity to support the greater global church and bring energy to some Kingdom projects. I am not going to go into details on the event. You will be able to read a recap from Kyle and Matt on the OpenDigerati Blog in the next day or so. This event and time together with a wide body of believers was so eye-opening. Seeing the technology challenges the Church of England faces brings a whole new perspective, as well as learning more about the climate of Christianity in Europe. Such great learnings that will only make us better. I look forward, and the team stands ready, to serve the greater church...and I anticipate some really great partnerships forming in the coming weeks and years. Totally blown away that I get to do this.
While in London, I was able to visit with a dear friend and great leader. We were discussing the tension we both face as being highly driven, but at the same time working harder every day to be Spirit-led. Mathew guided the discussion towards this very interesting passage in the Old Testimate.
You know the story well I am sure, but for the full scope, I recommend going back and reading the full story. This is the climax of the story, and the Israelites are caught by the powerful and great army. The Israelites were full of fear, and in a panic, questioning everything as they saw death upon them. And here is what the text reads at the height of the story.
Exodus 14:13-16 - “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.’ Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”
What!? Maybe you need to read the scripture again.
Moses says - “Israelites, relax. Trust God and be still.”
God says- “Moses, what are you doing? Tell the Israelites to MOVE ON!”
As Mathew and I unpacked this and talked more about it the clear part of the story is a “both and” equation. We need to “be still, and trust the Lord”, and at the same time “move on.” A dance of bringing our best efforts and work daily and surrendering it to God...for only He can do the great work. The end of the story highlights the great work that the Israelites could never do on their own.
But, as we were talking about this something else stood out to me - almost a few throwaway words that you might just read over.
Exodus 14:15a "LORD said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me?"
This verse is only here because Moses was continually talking, conversing, crying out and praying to God - seeking His direction and clarity. What became abundantly clear to me in this story, and the story of our own lives is the tension we might have between “doing” and “listening” is less important than having a constant and open channel of communication with our Creator. The scriptures were written and worded like they are because it was just assumed the reader would know what Moses was talking about, and even pleading and crying out to God the whole time.
So, with that in mind, let me ask you: how’s your prayer life? As a leader, are you focused more on the action and doing and focusing on the “move on” part of the verse? Maybe you fall in the other camp, the full trust, faith and believe God is on it, and you're just sitting on the sideline waiting. I believe we need a “both and” approach, with the most important being a constant connection and prayer life calling out to God for clarity, wisdom and even passionately crying out to Him for direction. - Amen
I don’t watch a lot of movies. I actually love movies, but I have a few strikes against me. One is Robin is not a movie girl. Two, I don’t have much spare time. And yeah, those are enough. But one thing I do enjoy about international flights is MOVIE TIME! On the flight back from London to Washington DC, I watched American Made with Tom Cruise. Yes, I am a Tom fan!!!! This was the film based on a true story of Barry Seal, a 1980’s drug smuggler and pilot who was recruited by the CIA. Wow, a movie right up my alley. I loved it, and just the inside story of how things actually go down in our world and government is just so wild to imagine. Who knows how accurate the film is, but no matter what, it’s totally fascinating to realize parts of it did actually happened. Wild!

The Mobile Passport App was a game changer again traveling back from London. A few international trips ago I was turned onto the app by a friend and I am so glad I did. This trip it saved me about 2 hours...but unfortunately, Matt didn’t get the app to work. Thankfully Matt made it to the gate with 7min to spare.
Deep Thinking In The Age of Distraction is a great read. This is a constant discussion in the Storch household, especially with our girls.
Power of Feedback
One of the best books I have read in a while is Principals from Ray Dalio. Such a great read, with so many great learnings. Adam Grant just launched a podcast interviewing Ray, and some others on this topic. Adam went to Bridgewater Associates to grill founder Dalio and a number of others on how we can all get better at taking criticism—and dishing it out.
Turns out 50 Cent isn't a cryptocurrency millionaire after all. Despite confirming reports last month he had made around $8 million in BTC, court documents obtained by The Blast on Monday quoted the rapper saying he never owned a single bitcoin.
Coinbase recently told customers it will turn over the data of 13,000 users to the IRS.
The move comes in response to an IRS order issued in November 2016 to send records of users who bought bitcoin between 2013 and 2015 so the agency could determine who was evading cryptocurrency taxes. Coinbase initially resisted the order but ultimately agreed to send the information of “higher-transacting” customers during that time. The taxpayer IDs, names, dates of birth, addresses, and transaction records of anyone who made more than $20,000 in transactions with other users on Coinbase (including cashing out) between 2013 and 2015 will be turned over to the IRS. -MARKETWATCH