#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.16.2018
Dispatch w.16.2018
This weekend Pastor Craig Groeschel delivered a powerful message..but what stood out most to me was a part of his closing. You can watch the excerpt below as well as read the transcript. Hope for eternity, and urgency for today. I pray this impacts you as it did me.

Pastor Craig Groeschel - I’ll Fly Away (6 min declaration)
Time is short. My King is coming soon. Because eternity matters, I will give Him my all. No regrets. No excuses. Holding nothing back.
With His help and by His power, I will leave no words unsaid, no deeds undone, no hope unshared.
My faith moves mountains. My prayers calm storms. My words give life. My hands bring healing. My feet deliver the good news that Christ is risen and He is coming again.
God’s word is a lamp directing my steps. His Spirit is my power. When I’m weak, He makes me strong. Because Christ is coming, I will not back down, sell out, or be pushed around. My life is too valuable, my calling too great, my God too good to waste my life on things that don’t last.
I am empowered by God’s spirit, trained by His Word, tried by fire. My name is written in His book. My life belongs to Him. Because my life is not my own and Earth is not my home, I will live for the glory of God and not for the applause of people. I am strong in the Lord and His mighty power to do his will on earth as it is in heaven.
Because Christ lives in me, trials will not stop me. People cannot break me. Money cannot buy me. Haters cannot silence me. Demons cannot defeat me.
Time is short. My King is coming soon. Because eternity matters, I will give Him my all. No regrets. No excuses. Holding nothing back. With His help and by His power, I will leave no words unsaid, no deeds undone, no hope unshared because my King is coming soon.
- Craig Groeschel
Thank you all for the birthday wishes on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and text. Honestly, overwhelmed in a good way. The best part of the day was Empire Slice and Roxie’s with Robin, Reia, and Reese. Pizza and ice cream FTW!

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