#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.23.2018
Dispatch w.23.2018
Energy vs. Time
Just about everywhere you turn in the leadership world you find quotes and thoughts about time being our most valuable asset. For the longest time, I believed this and worked hard to live by it. I am not here now to challenge this concept, but I would like to share a new perspective I have developed and some new thoughts. I no longer believe that time is my most valuable asset; energy trumps time.
Allow me to unpack this thought quickly. For me, after crafting an efficient and effective schedule, valuing time and driving that concept home, I was left realizing that I would have time remaining but no energy remaining to function effectively. Nothing is more frustrating for me than having time blocked off to accomplish a task or function, but no energy left to deliver a reliable result. Energy trumps time for me. Understanding what gives me energy and what takes energy is a valuable process to engage in. Understanding your energy equation, then folding those learnings into excellent time management has become a big focus of mine.
Not sure how that applies to your world, maybe something to think about.
Listening to Bryan Stevenson at the Alpha Leadership conference and reading more about Franklin has me processing and thinking more about the complexity of homelessness.
I loved this perspective on Humility from Bobby Gruenewald.
Digerati LXP Internships are now official and we are receiving applications. You can learn more and apply here.
LXP is way more than an internship. Here are a few unsolicited comments.

4 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person
Eric Barker