#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.29.2018
Dispatch w.29.2018
Evolution of self-esteem in a career:
Phase 1: I’m not important
Phase 2: I’m important
Phase 3: I want to work on something important
The sooner you get to phase 3, the more productive you’ll be and the more impact you’ll have.
- Adam Grant
Such a good word from Adam!
Recently I really felt like I received a word about competition, fairly connected to phase 2. I am working out my thoughts on the topic and wrestling honestly with the dangers of competition, and the suppressive nature that competition can bring to leaders. I am reminded that my mission is not to compete, my mission and calling from God is to lead Kingdom movements. More thoughts will develop I am sure.
Many of you may have seen on social media, but I am currently traveling in Africa. Starting in Lagos, Nigeria and then to the country of Gabon. For a while, we were unsure we would be able to get out of the JFK airport, but after a 29hr delay, we said goodbye to the United States.
Our time in Lagos, Nigeria was short - technically 24hrs. In that short period of time we were able to accomplish a lot:
Worship service at Harvesters International Christian Centre
As I am typing, this we are on our flight to Gabon. In a few days, we’ll see Luke 2 delivered to a people group who have never had access to the Bible in their heart language. Think about that for just a moment. There are nearly a billion people on planet earth who DO NOT have the Bible in their heart language. In other words, from their perspective, the God of the universe doesn’t speak their language. Wow!
However, we are working hard and partnering with visionary organizations that make up the illumiNations movement. With these partnerships and collaboration it’s now projected that with enough funding, they could have the New Testament translated for 99.9% of the world’s population by the year 2033. You can learn more about Illuminations here.
I am believing the time in Gabon, and witnessing a people group reading scripture for the first time in their heart language will be moving. Pray along with me that we can truly, in our generation eradicate Bible poverty.
Never the Sandwich
I hear plenty of people praise the feedback sandwich, talking about it being an excellent way to offer input and challenging feedback. For the most part, I have always disagreed...ultimately it’s inauthentic and a weak way to provide feedback. The Lead Change group has a great article talking about this and offering some tips and a better way.
Easiest hard rule to follow
I have been a fan and follower of David Allen (GTD guru) for a long time. This article about the easiest hard rule to follow is brilliantly basic. I have personally found these tips to be so helpful and practical in my everyday. How about you? Take a few moments and read it from his newsletter and let me know your thoughts.