#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.35.2018
Dispatch w.35.2018

I talk often about Malcolm Gladwell because I appreciate his approach to storytelling, journalism and his writing style. Gladwell has been at the top of my list since I read his book Tipping Point in 2002, and my appreciation for him continues to grow with his approach to podcasting. However, in his latest podcasts, I can say I do not like how he is handling advertising. In this episode, I think the Blue Apron ad is horrible. I suppose he can’t get everything right.
This week while running I listened to Malcolm Gladwell's 12 Rules for Life and thought it was fantastic. I would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast and the topic. “Pull the goalie” as well as the overall mindset of “disagreeable” is fascinating to me...maybe because disagreeable would be the word my mom might use to be polite about my entire adolescence. I am sure Robin would have her own way of politely connecting me with this podcast. I also see this trait in my youngest daughter Reese, who has this skill, natural ability or distinction...I guess it depends on your perspective. I have many thoughts around this that I am processing and will share in later writings. One, I suspect, will be around Jeff Bezos’ axiom “Disagree and Commit.”
Recommended Weekend Reading
Where are the contrarian leaders?
“Leadership comes in many packages...in my opinion, the most difficult and often the rarest form is the contrarian leader.” A great read, semi connected to the disagreeable concept from Gladwell's podcast.
Why you can smell rain
Have you ever walked outside and smelled the rain coming? Me too, and I love it. However, have you ever asked yourself the question: Why does it smell? Rain itself has no odor, so what makes it smell like rain. Wonder no longer.
Stop Treating Your Team Like Family
A solid read highlighting three problems with comparing your team or company to a family. These three things can badly undermine your leadership and your team’s effectiveness.