#ThoughtsFromTerry Dispatch w.49.2018
Dispatch w.49.2018
“Don’t hire for talent or credentials. Hire for the motivation and ability to learn. As the world changes, betting on experience can leave you stuck in the past. Investing in learning sets you up to shape the future.”
- Adam Grant
I have seen this play out over and over on the Digerati team at Life.Church. Talent and credentials can be alluring, but hiring motivated learners has always proven to be the best option. We are currently looking for 13 motivated learners!
In similar news, Life.Church won the Glassdoor 2019 Best Place to Work! Read more at Glassdoor: www.go2.lc/bestplace2018.
Regardless of your political views and opinions, it's fairly easy to look at the life and legacy of George H.W. Bush with deep appreciation. Bush passed away last week, and this NYTimes article captured his last few days with his longtime friend James Baker aka “Bake.” I highly recommend reading the article, and taking a moment to think about, who is your Bake?
As a family, we have been in deep college discussions with Reia, our 17yr old daughter. She is pursuing a nursing career and is already in the pre-nursing program as a junior in high school. We are highly engaged, supporting both Reese and Reia with college. However, we don't want to completely cover the cost of their higher education. We desire to bring the girls into the process, and for them to have ample “skin in the game”. This article was inspiring on one hand, and a bit depressing on the other, leaving me feeling like a loser. In all seriousness, lots of great information to apply.
Seth Godin opens a recent blog post saying, “There’s nothing in the dentist’s office that was there 50 years ago.” If you're like me, you love yet are challenged by Seth's writing. This 1,000 little steps article is a worthy read and a great reminder that change happens drip by tiny little drip.
I have written about and linked to many articles about Ray Dalio. His latest book Principals is on my must-read list. If you'd like to see why I enjoy his work and gain an in-depth understanding of Ray, then this book should be on your must-read list as well. This Seeking Alpha article highlights Dalio and suggests that debt is inherently cyclical, and each debt cycles goes through six stages.
This past week, Microsoft passed Apple as the most valuable company. Not long ago, we celebrated the first 1 trillion dollar company, but Apple has fallen out of that trillion dollar tree. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is only the third chief executive and has done an amazing job turning the old, stodgy Microsoft around. This Inc article is fascinating and highlights Nadella giving major credit to Carol Dweck's book "Mindset" for the turnaround and is another book on my must-read list. I highly recommend it!

You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee!
Great job, everybody! It's great to be here."