Terry Storch Dispatch 15.2019
Dispatch w.1.2010

I say it a lot, but I can't believe we have seventeen and fourteen-year-old daughters. I am living the proverbial, 'they grow up fast' reality. This past weekend was prom, and seeing Reia with her friends was so moving. Yes, Reia is stunningly beautiful. Yes, her dress was gorgeous. But honestly for me, what was so moving was seeing who my daughter is, and who she is becoming as a young woman. I am overwhelmed with gratitude of all those who have poured into her; first and foremost Christ himself. Jesus has used so many others along the way...an amazing church, solid pastors, trusted mentors, excellent friends, great coaches, a loving network of parents, and so many more. Most importantly, I must call out her mom...my amazing wife. Robin’s investment has been nothing short of inspiring in so many ways. All this is leading somewhere.
I mentioned last week that I was reading/listening to Garden City by John Mark Comer. It’s been great so far, and it really hit me when John Mark began to unpack “calling.” He asked if we are setting up our kids for failure with the common question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” John Mark goes on to say a better question might be, “Who are you? What do you think God made you to do when you grow up?” Wow!!! Yes. Parents, let that sink in. So good.
I also came across one of my favorite writers covering the same topic this week as well. Adam Grant wrote a brilliant piece for the NY Times called, "Stop Asking Kids What They Want to Be When They Grow Up".
In 2008, I watched Marcus Buckingham’s Short Film - Trombone Player Wanted, and it opened my eyes in a huge way to Strengthsfinder. It really hammered home the reality that we CAN NOT be anything we want to be...and we need to stop lying to our kids, and even to ourselves. If you haven't seen the Buckingham film yet, take 15 minutes and watch it.
Seeing Reia and her sister Reese grow and develop into all God has in store for them is a wonderful blessing. I fall short in so many areas as a father, but God is so good. In my weakness He is strong. In my shortcomings Robin has strengths. In our collective weaknesses, we have great mentors, friends, coaches, and a network of trusted sources to help develop and pour into our kids. I can not imagine trying to do it any other way. Thank you, Jesus, for this amazing blessing!
As a reader of this email, you know I am fascinated with Warren Buffet. Alice Schroeder, the author of Warren Buffett’s authorized biography, The Snowball, tells the story of getting into Buffet’s thinking. In this Compounding Knowledge, article, the ideas of "expiring information and matching patterns" are discussed. An important area in which I'm striving to grow is remembering that “expiring information is sexy, but it’s not knowledge.” This should push us past the headline, Facebook post, the InstaPost/Story and deeper into the meaning, the why, and the root.
I stumbled across Sunday, an interesting mail-order lawn fertilizer service. I love my yard and told Robin we will have the best lawn by 2020. #goals, right? One element Sunday is missing, however, is weed control but it looks like they will be adding it soon. Once that happens, I think I will jump in and try the service.
Most engaged Instagram post last week: