Terry Storch Dispatch w.19.2019
Dispatch w.19.2019
"I usually find that most great people still carry a significant personality flaw." —Richard Rohr
I was reading an article on my flight back from London the other day, and this statement just jumped off the screen. It’s nothing new or profound, but it really hit me. As I reflected on Rohr’s comment, it gave me peace with the brokenness of the world and humanity. The peace didn't come so much from knowing great people are messed up...that’s still a little messed up. Instead, it’s good to be reminded we are all wounded humans who fall short of the glory of God.
As leaders, we shouldn't try to hide our flaws or pretend we don’t have them. Rather, we should be transparent and openly walk with the limp we have. We should also be careful not to put others on a pedestal and expect them to be perfect or without flaw. Only Jesus got it all right.
Jesus came to show us how to be human more than how to be spiritual. —Richard Rohr
Not long ago, I that parents should stop lying to their kids...they cannot be anything they want to be. I believe this is critical, and Seth’s current article "Embracing Your Incompetence" drives this mindset home. You can’t be great at everything...stop trying! (Read more)
Whoa! While in London, Google News brilliantly suggested a Guardian article it knew I would love. Creepy? Maybe, but I will take it. Google knows I love Led Zeppelin, and Google also knew I was in London. So, boom: Whole Lotta Rock, the first official Led Zeppelin documentary, was announced. Zeppelin, IMO, is the greatest rock-n-roll band of all time, so this is huge. (Read more)
Adam Grant is one of my favorite authors, and I share a lot of his articles. This article "Mentors Are Good, Coaches Are Better" is fantastic. It's a look inside the life of Bill Campbell, a name I didn't recognize at first. This excerpt says it all and gives us something to work towards as leaders.
What’s most remarkable about Bill Campbell’s story is that the more you read about him, the more you’ll see opportunities every day for becoming more like him. There are small choices, like treating everyone you meet with dignity and respect. And there are bigger commitments, like taking the time to show a sincere interest in the lives of your team—to the point of remembering where their kids go to school.
Most engaged Instagram post last week:
Sunday is Mother’s Day! Mom, I know you read this every week—I love you dearly. And to Robin, the mother to our two beautiful daughters, I love you more than you could ever imagine, and you are the greatest blessing I could ever imagine.