Terry Storch Dispatch w.20.2019
Dispatch w.20.2019

Twelve! Reia has twelve universities she is interested in, and we plan on visiting in the next few months. All of them have solid nursing schools—her ultimate goal is to become a Nurse practitioner (NP). Praying for big-time scholarships. 🙏 It's a fun journey and exciting time as a parent...but at the same time, it's absolutely hard to believe we are looking at colleges for our daughter. Where did the time go?
These past few weeks I have had even more financial planning discussions than normal. Of all the mentoring and coaching I do, financial planning and money management is by far some of the most fun for me. I think it stems from the pain I have walked through, horrible financial decisions I made as a young adult, and seeing the turnaround in our finances in the last 25 years. A good reminder that, if we allow it, our misery can become our ministry.
When it comes to financial planning and money management, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all model. However, two core basics I like to start with are a disciplined zero-based budget and the Ramsey Core Seven. I am continually shocked by how many people do not operate within a budget and find themselves spending more than they make. This is simply the story of my youth and early adult years. When you spend more than you make, it doesn't matter if you make $50k, $100k, $250k or millions: you will be broke. You would be shocked if you knew how many people make six figures and are broke. It’s sad! No matter your income, you need a budget! There are many tools to help; I often recommend this one, or you can even go with EveryDollar from Dave Ramsey.
Remember, it really is this simple.

I could go on and on, but let me stop with this. The majority of Americans have less than $1,000 saved. We could spend days talking about investing, but it really seems like the majority of our education needs to be around the basics.
A long, but very interesting read about China’s Massive Surveillance movement. Did you know that in 2017 alone, China invested a record-setting $197 billion? The government has laid out plans to achieve 100% video coverage in key public areas, and currently has 173 million cameras active. (read more)
Fight for a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, Stephen Graves says in this article. I absolutely agree, and we talk about that often at Life.Church. However, Stephen is talking about staff and team members. Build a culture of abundance with your team and be willing to let your best employees go. A great read! (read more)
I joined Instagram October 23, 2010 at 5:15pm. Here is how I know that. Anyway, in those 3,128 days, I apparently averaged nearly one post a day because this week I hit 3,000 posts. A milestone of sorts—not really sure if it's a good one or not. :) In the recent months I have tried to be more intentional with my Instagram usage; if you have any thoughts or feedback, hit "reply" and let me know.
Most-engaged Instagram post last week: