Terry Storch Dispatch w.21.2019
Dispatch w.21.2019
Enneagram is becoming wildly popular, integrating into aspects of culture in the US. I'm not as familiar with its popularity globally, but when I was recently in the UK, it seemed widely known and understood in the circles I was in. If you're reading this from outside the US, reply and let me know your thoughts.
I am a major advocate for self-awareness, and there are many tools and techniques available for self-awareness and understanding. Enneagram has been one of the best for me in the last few years, but it's not the only one. Myers Briggs, Strengthfinders, EQI & spiritual gifts assessments have all helped with my self-awareness and journey in development and enlightenment.
For those of you who are pretty well versed in the Enneagram model, I highly recommend this podcast from Suzanne Stabile; she discusses the Enneagram and how your type views time. It's a fantastic listen and delivers some very helpful insights. (Thanks Lori for the tip!) However, if you're new to Enneagram or have never heard of it, this is a perfect start for you. You also might check out Enneagram Institute's "How the System Works."
Culture is shaped many ways. Music and the arts have always played a role, and social media has put fuel on the fire. Bebe Rexha has over 8,200,000 million followers on Instagram and made a big statement this past week, shaping culture and actually pushing back on some cultural stigmas placed on women. Warning...a click on this link will land you on a bikini photo of Rexha and some language, so if you want to avoid that, just move along. As father to two daughters, I appreciate her candor and fight against the body image issues young women face. (read more)
The feature I am looking forward to the most with my “future” Tesla is autopilot. Literally, a car that can drive itself has to be one of the absolute best inventions since sliced bread. So many good things in our lives other than Tesla are on autopilot—things like bill-pay, savings, investing, lawn service, and so many more. However, when it comes to behavior, autopilot might not be the best path. This article from Dede Henley is a worthwhile read. (read more)
We need headlines that get people's attention quickly. Social media and the age of the Internet has conditioned us to grow our reach, hit big numbers, get all the engagement, etc....but Seth Godin has a bit of a different opinion. Reach is overrated. (read more)
We live in a world of polarization. Just about everything seems like it’s a political hotbed, and big issues become volcanic or nuclear and shut out intelligent, meaningful discussion. One issue that fits this bill is climate change. No matter what side of the aisle you sit on, more than likely a few one liners—or headlines—came to mind when you read that. IMO that’s sad; at risk of stepping in the hotbed myself, here is a really good read.
We’re Growing
Life.Church Digerati Team is continuing to grow! It’s amazing that twelve years ago, Digerati was simply me...and now because of what God is doing and how He's moving, Digerati is over 100 and counting. Weekly, I will highlight some of the open roles:
Interactive Team - Sr. Software Engineer
Interactive Team - Product Designer
Open Network - SRE (DevOps) Engineer
IT Team - Data Team Leader
IT Team - SRE & Cyber Security Director
Church Online - Marketing & Communications Director
YouVersion - SRE Engineer
YouVersion - Sr. Product Manager
YouVersion - Software Engineer
YouVersion - Engineering Manager
Don’t see a role for you? Click here to see all open career opportunities at Life.Church.
Most-engaged Instagram post last week: