Terry Storch Dispatch w.32.2019
Dispatch w.32.2019
A month off of social media, and I really didn’t miss anything. It’s crazy, but if you uninstall Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or Facebook, the world will not end. There is no doubt I see value in these apps and services. I know many people who have come to know Christ, lives transformed and families reunited. Social media is not all bad or evil. However, for me, as I am continually evaluating my time, energy and resource allocation, I am unsure what space in my life they need to fill. I absolutely recognize a weakness in my personality: my “all in” or “all out” tendency. Being “all out” of social media is way easier than finding the right balance and tension that comes with embracing it. Excuse my rambling and discombobulated thoughts, but it's where I am, and my guess is where many of you are as well.
For the past few weeks, I have regularly started my day with Yoga. I have noticed the last five or so years my flexibility has really dropped, and I am continually navigating back and shoulder issues. Yoga has really been helpful, and I absolutely love how I feel after a quick 20-30 min in the morning. I am very much a beginner and like Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube.
What are you looking forward to? This was a question I was pondering recently. I have plenty of things at work that are exciting, and I am looking forward to. But, historically that has been easy for me. I am in a season where I am looking forward to many activities outside of work. I believe this is really smart. We can find ourselves lost in work, and having activities outside of that work that we enjoy is healthy. A few examples for me include: Date Nights, my first tennis tournament in 26 years, watching my girls cheer, October trip to Hawaii with Robin and our best friends, just to name a few.
A vacation and a family trip are two different things. I believe words matter, and they also help set expectations for what is to come. Don’t call a family trip a vacation...it’s not! A bit on this topic, Adam Keys talked about “Vacation Bubbles”, and I thought it was a good read.
“Perfection is overrated, boring. It’s the imperfections—the vulnerabilities, the weaknesses, the human elements—that make us who we are, that make us real, beautiful…necessary.” -Guy Harrison (read more)
Do you use your own products? Another way to say it would be, are you smoking what your selling? I suppose we could ask this question about many areas of our own lives...are we taking our own advice? A Founder Metric that Matters is a great read from Om.
The Ikea/Sonos lamp and bookshelf speaker is now available! This is a brilliant idea, and looks to be a fantastic value for what you get. What do you think about the SYMFONISK WiFi speakers?