Terry Storch Dispatch w.43.2019
Dispatch w.43.2019

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
Hawaii was amazing! As I shared in , Robin and I were blessed to be able to return to the island of Kauai with some of our best friends for a week of relaxation and fun. Chris put together a quick 3 minute video that captures our week fairly well.
As I was processing some of the best experiences from the week, my mind takes me to our excursions to Hideaways Beach, and Queen’s Bath. Take a moment and visit the links to see the amazing beauty in both of these destinations.
Kauai has some stunning beaches, views and sights that are fairly easy to get to and well marked. These sites and views would leave just about every visitor mesmerized by their beauty, especially if you are visiting from the flat plains of Oklahoma. But both Hideaways Beach and Queen’s Bath were different. The first takeaway I had was that they both took some significant effort to reach. The hiking and climbing required to reach them were not for the faint at heart or unfit traveler. These destinations were on the other side of risk and a bit of uncertainty. If you look at the video of Hideaways Beach, you will see the climb down is challenging when it’s dry, but we did it when it was really wet and muddy.
The other interesting takeaway from Hideaways Beach and Queen’s Bath is they were hidden yet they were in plain site. The trailhead entrance to Queen’s Bath was literally in a neighborhood, and the entrance to Hideaways Beach was right off a sidewalk next to a resort. The amount of tourists and visitors that walk right past both trailheads everyday has to be hundreds. This reminds me that often times the most amazing opportunities and adventures that God has for us is right in front of us — we walk by them everyday and miss them. Maybe those opportunities are our next door neighbors whom we don’t even really know. Possibly the cashier we didn’t acknowledge because we were on our phone. Or maybe our kids just needed extra attention from us after a hard day, and we missed it because we were distracted by our mounting to do list.
Stunningly beautiful opportunities are all around us. We just need to pay a little more attention to those that take more effort to find.

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There’s nothing to feel guilty about for being idle. It’s not reckless. It’s an investment — in you, in your happiness. There is nourishment in pursuits that have no purpose — that is their purpose. - Ryan Holiday

The quote above is from a Why ambitious people have (unrelated) hobbies, by Ryan Holiday. Today I leave you with just this article, it’s worth your time and investment.