Terry Storch Dispatch w.44.2019
Dispatch w.44.2019

It’s possible that you no longer need to get better at your craft. That your craft is just fine. It’s possible that you need to be braver instead -Seth Godin

In just a few days, our youngest daughter, Reese, turns 15. It’s said so often, but wow, how time flies. All of her short-lived life, Reese has been a pure bundle of energy and brings joy to just about every environment she enters. Reese is a natural leader, and it has been so much fun to watch her come into her own as she continues to grow into her God-given gifts. The next decade will be rewarding as we watch her journey unfold. Reese, I love you!

Forwarded this newsletter? The Dispatch offers bite-sized chunks of leadership, technology and random tidbits I found interesting this week.
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Here is my random smattering for this week.
On Tuesday, I traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma, with some friends to see Tool in concert at the BOK Center. Yes, you heard that right...Tool. After 13 years, Tool released their fifth studio album, Fear Inoculum, and it’s fantastic! I have never seen Tool in concert, but when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped on it. I have to say, from a musical talent these guys are the best of the best. The concert was absolutely amazing, and just stunning how tight and on point they played. I was in near amazement most of the concert just trying to figure out how they were pulling off such a huge and full sound with just three musicians. If you are a Tool fan, and have the ability to see them live...you need to jump on the opportunity.
You Need A Budget! Robin and I have lived on a budget our entire marriage, and I can say without hesitation, it is a key reason for much of our financial freedom that we enjoy today. For 21 years, I have tried different software and a variety of systems, but honestly, I have always reverted back to a paper and spreadsheet budget that I have tailored to our liking. However, the paper, spreadsheets, and manel processes are being archived, and I am going all in with You Need a Budget or YNAB. Many years ago, I attempted to switch to YNAB, but for many reasons, I just couldn't make the switch. After much discussion on our latest trip to Hawaii with the Bealls, we are trying this again. I have watched hours and hours of YouTube Videos, and found Nick True at Mapped out Money to have some of the best YNAB videos. Here is Nick’s YNAB for Beginners video. But enough about me — YOU need a budget. Do you have one?
On December 16, 1993, MTV Unplugged - Nirvana aired and showed a different side of Kurt Cobain and his band, Nirvana. If you haven’t seen this world class display of musical talent, you need to check it out here. (You may recognize the younger version of Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters on the drums.) All of that to say, I found it interesting and a bit nuts that the green cardigan Kurt Cobain wore during Nirvana's MTV Unplugged concert sold for $334,000 in an auction on Saturday. This BBC story said his “stained, cigarette-burned cardigan unwashed in nearly three decades has sold at auction for $334,000 (£260,000).” (read more)

Stephen Graves says that real change takes time and takes structure. That you’ve got to give people time to adjust and things to latch on to. He goes on to say that institutionalizing things takes what he refers to as “time and handles.” So true! This is a great read, and plays into so many areas of our lives, including our personal budgets. (read more)
To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself. Or maybe you’ve heard the saying, “The hardest person to lead is the person staring back at you in the mirror.” In his Ted Talk, Lars Sudmann focuses on the importance of self-leadership. Lars unpacks self awareness, daily reflection, and regulating your feelings. (read more or watch)