Terry Storch Dispatch w.07.2020
Dispatch w.07.2020

Take some time every day to see your kids for who they really are, not for who you want them to be. - Daniel J. Siegel
As many of you know, my daughter, Reia, will graduate from high school in a few months. Over the past several months, we’ve visited colleges, applied for scholarships, run numbers, created budgets, and prayed for discernment. Reia did an amazing job gathering all the facts and details and narrowed her many options down to two schools—Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas and East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. This past Friday, Reia finally shared her decision at her big “reveal” moment with our family. Yeah, that’s right...Reia didn’t tell mom and dad for about a week. 🤪 Her choice? East Central University. She brought sugar cookies with East Central University colors, which are orange, white, and black, and popped the pre-filled balloon that had orange confetti in it.

The reveal was a lot of fun, and everyone was excited about her choice. Reia was accepted into the Honors College at ECU a few weeks ago. They awarded her a good scholarship for this, and I believe that was one of the tipping points for her decision. As a parent, I loved watching Reia navigate and process this challenging decision. We are so excited for her to step into this new chapter of life. Many of you have been praying for us, and offering such good encouragement with your emails and messages. Thank you for being a part of the process!

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When was the last time you totally unplugged from work? A week’s vacation, a long weekend, or maybe just a single day? I often hear people say they can’t unplug or that unplugging is unrealistic for them and just not how they are wired. I might be able to buy into a few aspects of this, but for the most part, I really think they become excuses. When I seriously struggled with this, the problem always circled back to me. My lack of healthy self-worth, my belief that I was “needed,” and my unhealthy addiction to my job were at the core of it all. This article is a good read on tips for a work-free vacation. And I’m not talking about just weeklong vacations. Think through the daily and weekly rhythms of your life that need to change so that you can incorporate the ability to unplug on a regular basis. Read now.
I came across this Zapier article, and it was just a fun read. Nothing here is really revolutionary or life-changing, but it’s enjoyable. If we think of our brain and ourselves as if we were computers, we’ll inherently make poor decisions regularly. We don’t get enough sleep because we don’t think we need it. Maybe we discount the food and drink that we put in our bodies because we don’t really see the relevance it has on our daily lives. Because of the way we interact with our phones, screens, and technology around us, we downplay being ever-connected and the impact that has on our minds. We need to take it seriously that our brain is NOT a computer. Read now.
You might get tired of me talking about mindsets or linking to mindset articles. I get it, but don’t expect me to stop. Mindset is a mission-critical part of our life and learning, and I don’t think we can research and learn enough about the topic. In this McKinsey article, the author talks about being “Caught in the Identity Mindtrap.”
Because we don’t think of ourselves as changing in the future, we focus our energy on projecting—and protecting—the person we have become, not on growing into the person we might become next. We are caught in the identity mindtrap.
In this article, 4 Forms of the Mind are unpacked: the self-sovereign mind, the socialized mind, the self-authored mind, and the self-transforming mind. Read more.

In 2019, the Digerati Teams at Life.Church hired 32 people! It was an amazing year of growth in our teams as well as the entire church. It’s amazing to see what God continues to do through Life.Church! My teams are still growing, and we have some awesome opportunities on this rocketship. You’re not late to the party, because we are just getting started! You can learn about our culture, benefits, and Glassdoor reviews.
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