Terry Storch Dispatch w.09.2020
Dispatch w.09.2020

Companies and organizations lose $1 million in wasted productivity for every 50 workers every single year. —Juliet Funt

This is week 9 out of 52 weeks in 2020. Can you believe we are already 17% through the year? That’s almost ⅕th of the year behind us. Life moves pretty fast! With 17% of 2020 in the rearview mirror, it might be a good time to take a quick audit.
How are you doing so far in 2020?
Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions?
If you chose a word for the year, is it impacting your life?
What changes have you seen in yourself this year?
Are you happy with your progress and growth?
I would love to know what you discover as you slow down enough to inspect your progress and growth this year.
Interestingly enough, I shared this thought with my daughter Reia, a senior in high school, and my wife Robin, a teacher, as I was writing this. They had the inverse thought. They feel that 80% of the year is already over since they are not on a traditional calendar (Jan-Dec), but instead live their lives off the school calendar (Aug-May). I thought that was very interesting. This is another great example of the importance of context and perspective.

Were you forwarded this newsletter? The Dispatch offers bite-sized chunks of leadership, technology, and random tidbits I found interesting this week.
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"The Super Power of Tomorrow? Being “Indistractable” is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. I wasn’t even finished reading the article when I jumped over to Amazon and bought Nir Eyal’s latest book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. I highly recommend diving in to this article, taking notes, and processing the ideas from it. I walked away with many new concepts and ideas to consider. I loved the quick tips sections—Rethink group chats & “Hack Back” Your Phone—from Eyal in the article. Read now
The newest Leadership Podcast was outstanding! Craig Groeschel interviewed Juliet Funt, and Juliet has so much amazing content and thoughts that are somewhat connected to the reading above about being indistractable. Juliet is the founder of WhiteSpace at Work, a consulting firm focused on improving efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating busywork. This is a 44-minute podcast, but it is worth your time. I guarantee it! Listen now. Download the leader guide.
In , I talked about legacy, linked off to some helpful resources, and referenced staying intentional with my personal board of directors. This prompted many emails from you, asking for more details about this board and the function they play. Jeff Berger wrote about this on the Fast Company blog: "Why every professional should recruit a personal board of advisers." Jeff’s thoughts and approach is similar to mine, and he offers tips and advice to keep in mind as you assemble your board. Read now.

Here are a few of my thoughts and writings from the week. You can see them all here, subscribe to the daily RSS feed, or you can have them sent to your inbox.