Terry Storch Dispatch 04.2021
Dispatch 04.2021

Find out who you are and do it on purpose. - Dolly Parton
- the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks

It’s wild to think that my daughter is in college and has moved out of a dorm into her first rental house. What!?! She’s officially adulting, and it’s absolutely awesome to watch her do it so well. I am a crazy proud father as I watch Reia grow up. She’s digging in, figuring out who she really is, and pursuing her giftings on purpose and with a purpose. #funtimes
My favorite girl on the planet gave me this as a birthday gift and it was outstanding! Robin definitely outdid herself this year! Yemenia, have you heard of it? Yes, it has something to do with the country of Yemen. Yemenia is a new, but very old coffee that is coming onto the scene in a big way. This genetic variant of coffee is absolutely stellar and very expensive. You can learn more about Yemenia coffee here.

Here are some podcasts I’ve really enjoyed these last few weeks:
God is Not in Control - Rethinking God with Tacos
The Potential DeFi Collapse…with Ari Paul - Modern Finance
Where Did Our Bible Come From? - The Bible For Normal People
Adam Grant Reinvents Preaching - Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Forwarded this newsletter? The Dispatch offers bite-sized chunks of leadership, technology and random tidbits I found interesting this week.
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I enjoy reading the Morning Invest daily newsletter. A few weeks back, they sent out something pretty unique and special that I wanted to share. This is a must-read from Clayton at FutureMoneyTrends.com. Read now.
I am absolutely LOVING these new shoes!
SmartHER News interviews Sharon Says So. Meet America’s Government Teacher. Watch Now.